Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Role of a Tester in requirement phase

The testing process should begin early stage in application development cycle.
Testers need a solid understanding of the product so they can devise better and more complete test plans, designs, procedures, and cases. Early test-team involvement can eliminate confusion about functional behavior later in the project life cycle. In addition, early involvement allows the test team to learn over time which aspects of the application are the most critical to the end user and which are the highest-risk elements. This knowledge enables testers to focus on the most important par
During the requirement phases of SDLC. the business requirements are defined on high level. During this phase a tester can come up with document testing approach to verify its quality, completeness, and correctness, can point out contradictory requirements.
More systematically, during the requirement phase, a tester can build a Acceptance Test Plan There are some formal approaches and documents which can be created during this phase. Such as:
Inspection/ Walkthrough:
System/Acceptance Test Plan:
Requirement Checklist:

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